··       State Doctorate of Science (PhD), University of Paris 7, 1989 "Challenges and interpretations of mathematical errors - [Development of models for the understanding of response behaviour and the development of educational tools based on technologies]" ·

·       Advanced Diploma In Information Technology, University of Paris 6, 1985 'Algorithmic handling of information in artificial intelligence' ·

·       Doctorate in teaching of Mathematics, University of Paris 7, 1980, "The influence of language in the setting of logical proofs. [Analysis of a heterogeneous population under test containing apparent contradictions]" ·

·       Diploma in the teaching of Mathematics, University of Paris 7, 1977 ·

·       Qualified teacher (Agrégé) of Mathematics, 1974 ·

·       Master in Mathematics University of Paris South Orsay, 1972

·       Classes préparatoires, Lycée Henri IV, Paris : Mathématiques Supérieures [1968-69] and Mathématiques Spéciales A' [1969-70]