Speaker at the Eduverse Summit Vancouver 2024 on:"A SWOT Analysis of the Use of AI and ICT in Teaching and Learning Mathematics"  [June 2024]

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Independent expert for Vocational Mathematics Teaching, in charge of training mathematics teachers’ trainers on Didactics of Mathematics, Applied AI and ICT to support the professional development of mathematics teachers in VET. Project ”Technical Assistance for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training through Establishment of Sectoral Centres of Excellence (IQVET III)". Project co-funded by EU and the Republic of Turkey, and managed by GFA (Germany). Eskişehir (Turkey) [February 2024]

French Delegate to the Skillman International Forum 2023, the annual event of the Skillman Alliance to redefine the future of TVET: "The Planet of Skills. Revised Perspective on Networking Potential", organized in partnership with the European Training Foundation. Riga (Latvia) [26-27 September 2023]
Speaker in the workshop on AI on the theme: "AI: From Industry and Research to TVET Sector. Pedagogical issues. Examples in Computer Science and in Mathematics"

Expert for the evaluation in mathematics (EGMA) in the project Learn Together Activity (LTA) by the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan, for EdIntersect LLC (USA), member of the Consortium under the aegis of Chemonics International Inc.(USA), funded by USAID [2020-2025]

French Delegate to the Skillman International Forum 2022: "The Future of Education and Training during a Time of Major Disruption, including Global Conflicts" , organized in partnership with the European Training Foundation and the Regional Programming Centre of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia. Cagliari (Italy) [23-24 November 2022]

In charge by the Council of Europe of a study on the Evolution of the Training Offer of DGII towards hybrid solutions [2021]

Presentation at the Global Digital Development Forum on "Piloting and Scaling Interactive SMS for Teacher Development" with Hillary Eason, Digital Development Manager, Chemonics International (USA), Modou Carré, ICT Program Support Lead, USAID Lecture Pour Tous/Senegal [2020]
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Cliquer ici pour télécharger la présentation en français

Principal ICT adviser for the Programme Lecture Pour Tous within the Technical Assistance to the National Reading Programme (Programme national Lecture pour tous) by the Ministry of National Education in Senegal, for EdIntersect LLC (USA), member of the Consortium under the aegis of Chemonics International Inc.(USA), funded by USAID [2017- 2021]

Expert for the ICTE and the didactics of mathematics with the NGO Aide et Action International Afrique, for the implementation of the project " M-learning for a re-energization of the plans of training and support of teachers of the primary schools in Mali " within the framework of the call for projects TICE of the AFD and the AUF for the initial and continuous training of the teachers of the primary schools and the middle schools (or fundamental) in sub-Saharan Africa [2016 - 2019]

Senior Management Consultant, responsible for developing the Strategic Plan and the Growth Plan, including university wide IT structures and processes, of the Pan-African University (PAU). Funded by the European Commission. Management assured by the Company GOPA (Germany) [2017 - 2018]

Expert for the Research Executive Agency (European Commission) for the evaluation of proposals submitted in response to the H2020-SwafS-15-2016 calls for proposals on "Open Schooling and collaboration on science education", issued on the basis of the work programme H2020-Science with and for Society [October - November, 2016]

Invited speaker with two of my Congolese collaborators (RDC) - Pascal Tshimanga Mukoka and Honoré Nzambu - on the future of Moodle in French-speaking Africa. MoodleMoot: Gathering of the French-speaking users of Moodle organized in the HES-SO, Sierre (Valais, Switzerland), by CyberLearn, supervised by Anne Dominique Salamin, with the cooperation of the founder of Moodle, the Australian Martin Dougiamas. [July 6th to 8th, 2016]

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Expert for the ICTE and the didactics of mathematics with the NGO Aide et Action International Afrique, for the implementation of the project " M-learning for a re-energization of the plans of training and support of teachers of the primary schools in Mali " within the framework of the call for projects TICE of the AFD and the AUF for the initial and continuous training of the teachers of the primary schools and the middle schools (or fundamental) in sub-Saharan Africa [2016 - 2019]

Expert for the Research Executive Agency (European Commission) for the evaluation of proposals submitted in response to the H2020-SEAC-2015-1, H2020-GARRI-2015-1, H2020-GERI-2015-1 and H2020-ISSI-2015-1 calls for proposals, issued on the basis of the work programme H2020-Science with and for Society [October - November, 2015]

Team leader, in charge by the Ministry of the primary, secondary and professional education of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RDC) to develop " the plan of implementation and functioning of the technological plan supporting the distance training of the teachers and to define the technical specifications of the technological tool to be acquired " in the provinces of Equator and Western Kasaï. Team in RDC: Pascal TSHIMANGA, Honoré NZAMBI ELAMEJI and Patricio Kay MPOY MUKOKO [February - May 2015] Equipe RDC Classe Internet

Senior expert, specialist in accompaniment in the diversification and in the professionalization of the offer of formation, for the European Union, within the framework of the " Program of support in the sectorial policy of the higher education and the scientific research in Algeria " for domains "quality assurance", " doctoral schools ", " professionalization of the formations " and " link universities / companies " - Management assured by the Company GOPA ( Germany ) [January-May, 2015]

Expert in charge for the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) of a feasibility study for the design and elaboration of a distance training system for the CREF (francophone regional centers) for countries in Eastern and Central Europe, Asian and Pacific Area and in Indian Ocean, in collaboration with Jacques Wallet

[May - November 2014]
Classe de français à Bucarest
Missions in Armenia, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Romania for CREFECO
French Class - Can Tho - Vietnam
Missions in Cambodia and Vietnam for CREFAP
Co-evaluator, as specialist of ITC in education, of the "Intiative for the teacher training at distance" in Benin (IFADEM), co-organised by the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). Co-evaluators: Anne Jorro et Ahmed Aamili [May - July 2014]

Groupe concepteurs Bénin
Mission of support for the Ministry of Education ( MEBSEMFPA) in Burundi for the writing of a national plan of in-service training of teachers and the operational plan of implementation 2014-2016, co-piloted by the the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). [September-October, 2013] - In association with Anne Jorro and Jacques Wallet.
Invited speaker to the International Conference on "Innovation and Higher Education", organised by the International Institute of Water and Environment (2iE) in Ouagadougou, (Burkina Faso) [14 - 16 May 2013]
Click here to download the presentation (only in French) : "La formation à distance : perspective et atouts"

Click here to download the presentation (only in French): "Quelles exigences pour la qualité de la formation à distance?"

Photo groupe 2iE

Photo groupe 2iE
Invited speaker to the workshop on the implementation in French-speaking countries of the "2012 PARIS Open Educational Resources (OER) DECLARATION", organized by the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) and the Ministry of the intergovernmental Affairs (MIA) of New Brunswick, Moncton (N-B, Canada) [4- 8 February 2013]
Click here to download the presentation (only in French)

Photo groupe REL
Co-evaluator, as specialist of ITC in education, of the "Intiative for the teacher training at distance" in Burundi (IFADEM), co-organised by the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) and the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). Co-evaluators: Liliane LE PESANT and Anne JORRO [2012]

Adviser and external evaluator of the European project "Approaches to Multilingual Schools in Europe" (AMuSE) of the "Lifelong Learning Programme" [2011 - 2014] by EURAC (Italy), project leader.
Cliquer sur l'image pour agrandir

Expert by the European Commission for the reviews of the project
OpenScout of the eContentplus programme [2011 - 2012]

Invited trainer to participate in 3 seminars on distance learning for teachers from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Monastir (Tunisia), in collaboration with Prof. Naoufel Nabli, within the Project to enhance Quality in Higher Education (PAQ), funded by the World Bank [October 2011].

Invited keynote speaker at the Workshop on "The use of new technologies to enhance intercultural communication skills - Georgia - Abkhazia", organised by the Council of Europe in Kiev (Ukraine) [September 2011].
Member of the Experts Group of the project "Explore and act for Human Rights" of the Council of Europe, in charge of ICT and website [2010 - 2014].
External adviser and evaluator of the european project LingalINCLUSION (European Funds for the integration of third country nationals) by EURAC (Italy), project manager. [2010 - 2011].
Expert by the European Commission for the reviews of the project OpenScienceResource of the programme "eContentplus""
[2010 - 2012] 
Expert by the European Commission for the reviews of the project Organic.Edunet of the programme eContentplus
[2009 - 2010] 
Expert by the European Commission for the reviews of the project Cosmos of the programme eContentplus [2008 - 2009]
Invited keynote speaker by the University of Cadiz (Spain) to the multidisciplinary symposium on the design and the assessment of digital educational content, 1st and 2nd of July 2010.

Title: How to co-operate on designing, sharing and re-using digital learning content in Europe and with Mediterranean countries?

Coordinator, evaluator and in charge of the management of the external evaluation of the programme Francophone Parliament of Young / National Parliaments of Young for the International Organisation of Francophonie (OIF). Co-evaluators: Jean-Marie BATAILLE, Anne VICHER and Christian WAYSER [2009 - 2010]

    Invited speaker, by the Algerian Ministry of Mines and Energy, at the 6th Training Conference Technologies of Information and Communication servicing training , Alger, 1 & 2 December 2009

    Invited speaker, by the UNESCO Bureau for Maghreb, as representative of the Council of Europe, at the Colloquy Education, Diversity and Social Cohesion in Western Mediterranean Sea, Rabat, Morocco, 19 - 21 November 2009

    Expert by the European Training Foundation  (ETF - UE agency), for TRANSTEC (Belgium), for  the follow-up of the project MEDA-ETE (Education and Training for Employment),  to provide short-term technical assistance to the teacher training institutions in 7 MED countries (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libanon, Palestinian Territories , Turkey, Syria)  for integrating component 4 (e-Learning for teachers and trainers) results into their work plans (e-learning via Moodle). [2009 - 2010]

Coordonator, co-evaluator - with Homère NKWAWO (IUT de Villetaneuse, University Paris 13) - and in charge of the management of the evaluation of the FSP project Appui au PRODEC : modernisation de l'enseignement supérieur (Modernisation of Higher Education) in Mali for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs [June 2009]



Assessment of candidates for the programme Leonardo Mobility and evaluator of a Leonardo project on sustainable development for the Agency Europe Education France [2009]

 Expert by the European Commission for the first and second reviews of the projects Organic.Edunet and Cosmos of the eContentplus programme [2008 - 2009]

Expert-evaluator by the European Commission for the call for projects of the eContentplus programme [July 2008]

Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe for the joint programme with the European Commission on Fostering Human Rights through Intercultural Education in South Caucasus and Ukraine [2007 - 2009]

Assessment of proposals for  the programme Leonardo Mobility and assessment of a Leonardo project on sustainable development for the Agence Europe Education France [2009]

Expert by the European Commission for the 1st review of the Organic.Edunet and Cosmos projects under the programme eContentplus [December 2008]

Coordonator and in charge of the management of the evaluation of the FSP project AMPRUN : Appui à la Modernisation et à la Professionnalisation de l'Université de Nouakchott Modernisation of the University of Nouakchott) in Mauritania for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs [2008]

Expert by the European Commission for the assessment of proposals for the 2008 call programme eContentplus [July 2008]

Expert by the European Commission for the assessment of Key Activity 3-ICT proposals for the Lifelong Learning Programme (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency). [2007]

Consultant by the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland for preparation of European projects [2006 - 2008]

 Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe for the Steering Committee for Education on policies and practices for teaching socio-cultural diversity [From 2006 to date]


External evaluator for the Leonardo da Vinci European Project: "e-Assessment of Learning Needs in SMEs" ("e-Assessment Tool) [2005 - 2007]


Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe as rapporteur for the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, on Youth and New Technologies: a new chance for local democracy [2005]

Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe for the preparation and participation in the 4th Forum of Prague on Teacher education in Europe: achievements, trends and prospects. Invited speaker on Methodology for implementing efficient reforms: monitoring and evaluation [2005]

Expert Consultant for Quality on Open and Distance Learning and Team Management, for the Minerva European project "e-Quality" [2004 - 2006]


Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe Working Party on "e-Governance" [2004]

 Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe for the preparation of the Resolution to foster the integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in educational systems in Europe and its presentation during the Standing Conference of European Ministers of Education in Athens [2003]

Download the Resolution

     Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe Working Party on "Learning and Teaching in the communication society" [2002 - 2003] External evaluator for two European Projects: COSTER and SOLT [2001 - 2004]



     Professional assessor for the European Commission for the IST programme on the working methods of the Information Technology Society [From 1999 to date]

     Expert by XL Consultants Group to join a working party set up by DG Admin of the European Commission to redesign the central staff-training scheme for the CEC [Feb - Jul 2001].

     Professional assessor for the European Commission for the Telematics programme and the Educational Multimedia Task Force [Brussels Oct 1999]

     Responsible for evaluation of the European Blueprint for Interactive Classrooms project which set up five pilot video conference learning centres in France, Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Finland


     Expert by the XL Consultant Group [May - Dec 1998] to design a Management and Quality Control programme for the staff of Eurostat [European Commission] �

     Conducted a study mission in French speaking Africa [Guinea, Burkina-Faso, Benin and Mali] for the French Secretary of State for international] Cupertino and produced a CD ROM on distance learning.

     Invited to a 'round table' seminar by OECD on adult learning technologies to submit a report on French developments [Philadelphia USA 1995]

     Invited by the French Ministry of External Affairs to report on the state of the teaching of French in Canadian Universities, and on advances in the use of new technologies in the teaching of French as a foreign language. [Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Moncton in Canada 1995]

     Expert assessor to evaluate responses for 'calls for tender' for the development of new technologies in higher education in Mongolia [Brussels 1995]

     Invited to a NATO seminar on interactive question banks [Liege, Belgium 1993]