by the European Commission for the call for
projects of the eContentplus programme [July
Expert Consultant by the Council
of Europe for the joint programme with the European
Commission on Fostering Human Rights through
Intercultural Education in South Caucasus and Ukraine
[2007 - 2009]
Assessment of
proposals for the
programme Leonardo Mobility
and assessment of a Leonardo project on
sustainable development for the Agence Europe
Education France [2009]
Expert by the European
Commission for the 1st review of the
Organic.Edunet and Cosmos projects under the
programme eContentplus [December 2008]
and in charge of the management of the
evaluation of the FSP
AMPRUN : Appui à la Modernisation et à la
Professionnalisation de l'Université de
Nouakchott Modernisation
of the University of Nouakchott) in Mauritania
for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs [2008]
Expert by the European
Commission for the assessment of proposals for
the 2008 call programme eContentplus [July
Expert by the European
Commission for the assessment of Key Activity 3-ICT
proposals for the Lifelong Learning Programme
(Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency). [2007]
Consultant by the University
of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland for
preparation of European projects [2006 - 2008]
Expert Consultant by the
Council of Europe for the Steering Committee for
Education on policies and practices for teaching
socio-cultural diversity [From 2006 to date]
External evaluator for the
Leonardo da Vinci European Project: "e-Assessment of
Learning Needs in SMEs" ("e-Assessment Tool) [2005 -
Expert Consultant by the
Council of Europe as rapporteur for the Congress of
Local and Regional Authorities, on Youth and New
Technologies: a new chance for local democracy
Expert Consultant by the
Council of Europe for the preparation and
participation in the 4th Forum of Prague on Teacher
education in Europe: achievements, trends and
prospects. Invited speaker on Methodology for
implementing efficient reforms: monitoring and
evaluation [2005]
Expert Consultant for Quality
on Open and Distance Learning and Team Management,
for the Minerva European project "e-Quality" [2004 -
Expert Consultant by the
Council of Europe Working Party on "e-Governance"
Expert Consultant by the
Council of Europe for the preparation of the
Resolution to foster the integration of information
and communication technologies (ICTs) in educational
systems in Europe and its presentation during the
Standing Conference of European Ministers of
Education in Athens [2003]
Download the Resolution
Expert Consultant by the
Council of Europe Working Party on "Learning and
Teaching in the communication society" [2002 - 2003]
External evaluator for two European Projects: COSTER
and SOLT [2001 - 2004]
Professional assessor for the
European Commission for the IST programme on the
working methods of the Information Technology
Society [From 1999 to date]
Expert by XL Consultants Group
to join a working party set up by DG Admin of the
European Commission to redesign the central
staff-training scheme for the CEC [Feb - Jul 2001].
Professional assessor for the
European Commission for the Telematics programme and
the Educational Multimedia Task Force [Brussels Oct
Responsible for evaluation of
the European Blueprint for Interactive Classrooms
project which set up five pilot video conference
learning centres in France, Ireland, Italy, Belgium
and Finland
Expert by the XL Consultant
Group [May - Dec 1998] to design a Management and
Quality Control programme for the staff of Eurostat
[European Commission] �
Conducted a study mission in
French speaking Africa [Guinea, Burkina-Faso, Benin
and Mali] for the French Secretary of State for
international] Cupertino and produced a CD ROM on
distance learning.
Invited to a 'round table'
seminar by OECD on adult learning technologies to
submit a report on French developments [Philadelphia
USA 1995]
Invited by the French Ministry
of External Affairs to report on the state of the
teaching of French in Canadian Universities, and on
advances in the use of new technologies in the
teaching of French as a foreign language.
[Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa,
Montreal and Moncton in Canada 1995]
Expert assessor to evaluate
responses for 'calls for tender' for the development
of new technologies in higher education in Mongolia
[Brussels 1995]
Invited to a NATO seminar on
interactive question banks [Liege, Belgium 1993]